
The monthly luncheon is the cornerstone of our activities when we enjoy the company of other members. Each member is allowed to invite and pay for male guests to join them at the monthly luncheons, often in the hope that the guest may wish to join the club.

Normally we have a guest speaker who may or may not be a member of the club. Members are encouraged to take part and share their experiences as a speaker. There are special luncheons at Christmas and in the summer when our anniversary luncheon is held to celebrate the formation of our club. Ladies and widows of past members are normally invited to take part in these special events as well as to organised visits.

Our luncheons are on the second Thursday of each month except August at 12:30 for 13:00

We meet at the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Burnham on Crouch, Essex.

Joining fee is £20 and annual renewal fee is £15 due each April.

The cost of each lunch is £17 including gratuity.

Forthcoming Meetings